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Expected Student Outcomes
Students who graduate from
Christ's Legacy Academy will:
Grow Spiritually​
By committing to and developing a personal relationship with God through Christ.​
By committing to know, understand and apply God's word practically in all areas of life.
By committing to finding, developing and using their gifts and talents to serve others.
By committing to the practice of servant leadership in the home, church and community.
By committing to building up the body of Christ through the local church involvement.
Grow Academically
By mastering skills in reading, writing, persuasive communication, mathematics, science and history.
By developing the ability to analyze, synthesize and apply knowing from various subjects from a biblical perspective.
By learning to think deeply and creatively across disciplines.
By demonstrating independent study habits and organizational skills.

Grow Socially
By respecting human life and human dignity built on an understanding of human beings as creatures made in God’s image.
By developing a relationship with God that shapes one’s relationships with others.
By demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit in all personal interactions.
By leaving a multi-generational legacy though a commitment to build godly families.
Grow Missionally
By living as a witness vocationally through a godly work ethic.
By meeting practical needs of fellow human beings.
By supporting God’s global purposes through giving and/or going to the nations with the gospel.

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