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A Testimonial by Heather Lingerfelt

God has a way of slapping you in the face at times, and our story to CLA was just that!   CLA had started in August by some of my dearest friends, but I really did not see the need for this school given our community was blessed with wonderful local public schools and staff.  I was vocal to several people about my feelings when the school began.  

The first CLA banquet was in November of their first semester and we were invited.  As we were walking in, my husband asked me why we were attending the banquet.  I said, "I have been judgmental about this school, and I feel as though God is wanting to show us what it is about."  I said, "We will listen, give them a donation, and say we did our part."  Most of you know, I can be brutally honest, and that was my approach walking into First Baptist Church that night for the banquet.  

We sat in the room that night and learned about what Classical education was, the plans for the school, the amazing things God had done and was doing for this school.  God really started speaking to me in the room; I remember thinking - there is no way my husband would consider this for our family, though.  We got in the car to head home that night, and my husband said, "So why do you think we were there?"  I told him about how God opened my eyes to some things, and the same happened for him.  

"I remember thinking - there is no way my husband would consider this for our family, though...I told him about how God opened my eyes to some things, and the same happened for him."

We decided to just pray about it for a few weeks, and speak to some people on both sides of the spectrum regarding public vs private education.  We still felt God bringing us to CLA.  We decided in December, as the first semester of CLA was coming to a close, we would let our son shadow a friend one morning to see his thoughts.  I really thought, he will not want to leave where he is and his friends.  I picked him up at lunch that day and the first thing he said was can I go back tomorrow?  I explained how moving to  a new school would pull him from his friends and that never even phased him.  That January, he joined CLA, and I think he was the 26th student in the whole school.  

"I really thought, he will not want to leave where he is and his friends. I picked him up at lunch that day and the first thing he said was can I go back tomorrow?"

CLA has been a true blessing to our family.  Our kids have learned so much - when our son chose to go to a public high school - he was more than prepared - not only in his education, but also in real life walking in his faith and his beliefs.  Our daughter will be a senior at CLA this fall.  I continue to be amazed at what she knows and learns daily.  The past two years, I watched our daughter push herself to academic excellence.  This has not been a focus for her until she started her sophomore year.  The past two years, during some of the most difficult classes of school to this point, she has made it a priority to excel in academics.  

"I feel strongly this desire to excel comes from the teachers and her peers. She is surrounded by people always looking to continue to do better in all they do."

We are so proud of her. She worked so hard to get her GPA up which has taken extra effort to increase the predominant B's and C's she made her freshman year due to her lack of effort she put into school.  She is now that student that hates to make a B.  She was inducted into the National Honor Society this year due to her efforts this past year and a half.  We are so proud of her.  I feel strongly this desire to excel comes from the teachers and her peers.  She is surrounded by people always looking to continue to do better in all they do.

I also see a young woman that goes above and beyond to make things happen.  The basketball team wanted nicer uniforms than what the school could afford.  She and a few friends went to Dr. Arnold saying they would raise the money for the nicer uniforms.  They did just that without the help of parents. These young ladies worked to get sponsors and golfers for a golf tournament where they reimbursed the school for these uniforms with a little extra.  CLA teaches their students the way we parent at home.  I love that we partner together to raise our kids in the same principles, work ethic, and spirituality.  

"I love that we partner together to raise our kids in the same principles, work ethic, and spirituality."

Life has thrown some curve balls our way over the years, and to watch our kids' faith in those times, I can see how the Biblical world view foundation has guided them through these times, not to mention the support of CLA staff during these times.  On the days that I worried about how they were emotionally, to get messages and calls from staff telling me they noticed our kids not seeming themselves and how they would do small acts of kindness to help them through was such a peace and comfort!  

When it comes to our kids, their faith, love for others, safety, and education are the most important things to teach and have for our kids.  All of that is in one package with CLA!  I am so thankful for God's slap in the face at that banquet in November of 2009. Our life has been forever changed by this school! 


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